Uploading files how does it work

Uploading a file to a swift server is a little bit more complex than normally.

From javascript you need to do the following:

  • Obtain the temporary url to which end-user will be able upload files.
  • Upload the file to before mentioned url
  • Notify OLCMS about upload.


Generally speaking normal django storage backends should work, so you can use FileFields and so on.

However we’d like end-users to upload files directly to SWIFT, which in case of big files could put some strain on the server.

To do this we use Swift cluster using two middlewares:

  1. temp url middleware. This middleware allows us to generate temporary urls, that allow user to perform a single HTTP verb (GET or PUT). After timeout these urls become invalid.
  2. CORS middleware, enables Swift to server proper CORS headers.

So upload flow is as follows:

  1. End user does POST on /api/fileupload endpoint and gets a temporary url in return.
  2. User uploads a file to swift.
  3. User sends file path to OLCMS to associate uploaded file with Resource or something else.

For auditory purposes when user obtains a temp url for upload we store user id and uploaded file name in a table.

Python api

Public python API for file upload is in: www.fileupload.api, generally method to use is: register_and_prepare_upload.


There is a single endpoint /api/fileupload to use it user needs to have filestorage.add_fileupload permission.

How to handle file updates

Just upload a new file, it will get new path, and update resource field with new file.